Miss Aura International is a pageant which promotes beauty, brains, body and behavior of women. The pageant was established in Turkey seventeen years ago as Miss Kermer International. However, it was changed to Miss Aura International five years ago.

The age limit for this pageant is eighteen to twenty-seven years old and it is strictly for singles. And they can not be less than five feet seven inches tall. Delegates from all over the world, assemble in the beautiful city of Kermer based in the Gulf of Antalya for the coveted crown since 2006.

This year, the Pageant will begin on the 16th of September and have the grand finale on the 29th of September 2023, when a new queen wins.

One of the sponsors of this glamorous event is the global jewellery brand called #ROBERTO BRAVO. What is that thing they say about jewellery being a girl’s best friend again?

The venue of the pageant is at the bay of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. It also overlooks the Taurus Mountains. Now, that is an amazing view.

African countries at the pageant for 2023 are Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria. Claudia Darlene from Ghana, Lydia Balogun from Nigeria and Patrice Elonge from Cameroon. However, the skin tones of the delegates from Bangladesh and England reflect their African ancestry.

We will bring more news about them later. However, let us have a peep at these beautiful queens.

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