Beautiful, elegant, firm, loving. These words are Mrs. Philipa Idogho. The first ever female Rector of a predominantly male staffed school. She was at the helm of affairs for eight years. 2008-2016.
The school also had a reputation for being unmanageable. This woman was able to saddle this bronco and tame it. She went on to influence the government to build another campus to accommodate the teeming population of young adults before the end of her tenure as rector.
She was a former student of the school and knew the issues that besieged the school. This intimate knowledge guided her successful running of the school, turning it into a more serene institute of learning.
Apart from several academic articles, Dr. Idogho authored a book on environmental management in Nigeria’s higher institutions. The good doctor is currently an associate professor at the country’s University of Abuja, in the middle belt area of Nigeria.